Anxiety Therapy 

Are You Feeling Worried and Stressed Often?

woman looking off camera
  • Do you struggle with anxiety? 

  • Have you experienced stress for so long that it feels like a normal part of your life? 

  • Are you an overachiever that does not give yourself time to rest or make mistakes? 

  • Growing up, was stress a common theme in your household?

  • Is productivity a requirement, while having no downtime? 

Perhaps on the surface, it appears that you have life figured out but honestly, you feel overwhelmed, unsure of yourself, and disconnected from your own body and the people around you. Although so many people experience this, many do not openly express it, while others are unsure of what is even happening.

Anxiety Shows Up In Many Ways

The presence of anxiety may cause a number of different symptoms. Physiological symptoms that may be present include but are not limited to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches, difficulty making decisions, feeling on edge, labored breathing, unhealthy eating habits, teeth grinding, or sleep troubles.

Anxiety may cause you to overthink situations, act impulsively, avoid important events, or become overly critical of yourself and situations. Becoming overly critical can cause you to second-guess yourself or hold yourself to such high standards that can lead to self-sabotage. Anxiety may even cause you to accept harmful behaviors from others and not set boundaries for fear that they will be mad or desert you.

Trying to overcome anxiety on your own can feel impossible. However, working with a compassionate anxiety therapist and wellness practitioner can support you in learning the skills to overcome it.

women doing yoga in park

You’re Not Alone — Everyone Experiences Anxiety 

Nearly everyone has experienced some form of anxiety in their lifetime. This can be in response to a stressful situation like a work presentation or job interview. These feelings are typically short-lived and manageable, often fading once the stressful event has passed. This is called eustress.

However, there are other experiences that rewire the brain and cause more persistent and intense anxiety that can negatively impact your daily life. When this happens it’s usually a sign of chronic anxiety.

Research shows that most people in the United States have experienced some form of traumatic event in their lifetime.  When you consider all of this, who wouldn’t be experiencing anxiety?

It’s important to know, however, that regardless of how common this mental health condition is,  therapy that also includes body-based modalities can help you break free from the burden anxiety places on your life.

Societal Demands Contribute To Anxiety

Although it is common to experience anxiety at some point in life, the society we live in significantly contributes to the stress that causes it to develop.  With the focus being placed more on work than family, production than rest, and overconsumption more than the appreciation for what we already have—it makes sense that you may be feeling this way.  

Often, you may feel intense pressure to land a better job, start a business, get married, have the “perfect relationship,” “perfect kids,” buy a nice house, etc. When you don’t meet these standards and stay on top of all the latest trends, you may begin to feel inadequate.

Many times accomplishing these things never satisfies you because this is what society demands and not necessarily what you want. Is what everyone else wants, does, or thinks so loud that you can’t hear your own needs and true desires?

Systemic racism and intergenerational trauma have led to chronic stress, a constant sense of uncertainty, social and economic disadvantages, and distrust in social institutions. This results in people not wanting to seek help for anxiety-related issues.

But, regardless of how anxiety develops seeking therapy and approaches like yoga, sound healing, Reiki, and emotional freedom tapping, overcoming the disorder is possible.

Anxiety treatment with Therapeutic Solutions and Wellness can help you identify the core issue, understand your symptoms, and find effective ways to manage and treat them.


Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Regain Your Confidence

People who have never sought therapy are usually hesitant because they wonder if it works or they're afraid of having challenging conversations. However, our therapists give you the opportunity to feel seen and supported in an environment that is warm and welcoming. With us, you can freely speak about your experiences with anxiety without fear of judgment.

Anxiety Treatment Sessions — What To Expect

Your sessions provide you with a better understanding of what anxiety is.  We also explore where the anxiety you are experiencing stems from, where it is showing up in your body, and how to effectively and safely release and overcome it. You are the driver and know you best. We are here to support you along the path.

During anxiety therapy, you will learn a range of strategies to help you slow down and regulate your nervous system. Some of these strategies include breathwork which can greatly assist with reducing anxiety and being more present in the moment. 

Yoga philosophy, mindful movement, and Somatic Experiencing are body psychotherapy tools that allow for the alleviation of stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Sound baths are especially effective for alleviating anxiety and decreasing insomnia. This practice utilizes many different instruments like, singing bowls, drums, tuning forks, your own voice, and gongs. 

Outside of these practices, non-therapy services can also include yoga and sound classes, wellness groups and collective healing where people come together to overcome common stressors.

Anxiety Treatment Approaches

We use a wide range of approaches to treat anxiety, including

  • Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) Emotional Freedom Tapping is a technique that teaches you how to tap into the acupressure points on your body. This calms the nervous system, helps remove negative and unwanted thoughts from the body, reduces the intensity of anxious feelings, and promotes more positive thinking, feeling, and being.

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE) focuses on how attending to sensations, images, meaning, behavior, affect, and experiences can support you feeling more safe in your body, with your mind and in this world. It supports a sense of groundness as well as releasing trapped emotions. SE may assist you in releasing trapped emotions to help resolve concerns. It helps with body awareness, emotional regulation, and developing greater insight to help resolve concerns.

  • Mindfulness-Based Practices for anxiety helps you slow down and be mindful of your environment. This encourages self-awareness, acceptance, thought observation, and self-compassion. It incorporates breathwork, sound, and movement.

No matter the modality used, our ultimate goal for treatment is to help you manage and experience relief from your anxiety symptoms.


Perhaps You Are Considering Anxiety Therapy But Still Have Some Concerns…

I feel like I can overcome anxiety on my own.

While you may feel you can help yourself, seeking a professional is also a great option. Please don’t feel like you have to do this alone. That's why there are therapists. We are trained to help you see your situation from a new perspective and let go of the societal pressure to overcome anxiety alone.

I don’t feel comfortable sharing private/hurtful experiences.

We are here to provide a safe and confidential space for you. We will only discuss and explore what you feel comfortable with. You do not have to retell a traumatic event to overcome it. We are trained therapists, but we are also humans—we’ve had our share of unfortunate life experiences, and we know it can be hard to open up about past emotional wounds. That’s why we will go at a pace that’s right for you. 

What if you do not take my insurance?

Many insurances have out-of-network benefits. Please check with your insurance company to see if they do. You will pay for your session, and we will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.


You Can Live An Empowered, Fulfilling Life

If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and like you aren’t good enough, counseling with Therapeutic Solutions and Wellness can help you identify and overcome the root of your anxiety and achieve fulfillment.

To learn how you can manage and overcome symptoms of anxiety, please call us at (910) 916-6657. Your new life is just a phone call away.